Hi! I'm Fallying High

Hi I’m Fallying and this is my blog, Fallying High.

I’m starting this blog as a way to practice several skills I’ve been thinking of nourishing. Primarily my English communication skills. I’m trying to get a more mature approach in writing English as opposed to the casual English I’m currently practicing.

The next skill I’m trying to prosper is my photography skills. I only have my cellphone for photography right now but I’m quite sure I can deliver quality photos that are composed well. If not that is what this blog is for.

The last skill I’m trying to improve is my coding skills. I know that HTML and the like are the very basics of coding but having a Blogspot blog could at least help me try to be more resourceful in coding in HTML.

This blog will be about a lot of different topics but they would usually be about my likes, collections and hobbies. I’ll start off the blog by blogging about my pen collection and maybe do some unboxings and reviews of some of my purchases along the way.

Hope you’ll enjoy my blog.
